// Copyright © Schakra Inc. 2009. All rights reserved.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Web;
namespace Schakra.Samples.DotNet.Linq
/// Sample demonstrating aggregating content of a Collection.
public class LinqSample_02
public void AggregateRequestParameters()
// Generate Data.
Random random = new Random();
Listuids = new List ();
for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++)
uids.Add(random.Next(1, int.MaxValue));
// Had to use similar code snippet while working with Facebook APIs.
string uidString = uids.Aggregate(
(s, uid) => string.Format("{0},{1}", s, uid.ToString())
// (s, uid) => s + "," + uid.ToString())
// Had to use similar code while working with OAuth signature creation.
SortedListoauthParams = new SortedList ();
// Append all parameters in sorted order.
string sigBaseString = oauthParams.Aggregate(
(s, kvp) => string.Format(
"{0}&{1}={2}", s, UrlEncode(kvp.Key), UrlEncode(kvp.Value))
private static Regex hexCharsExp = new Regex("%.{2}", RegexOptions.Compiled);
// Custom encoding in upper case for OAuth String.
private static string UrlEncode(string input)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(input))
return input;
return hexCharsExp.Replace(
HttpUtility.UrlEncode(input), m => m.Value.ToUpper());
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
LINQ / Lambda Examples : Aggregate collection
Tuesday, September 29, 2009
LINQ / Lambda Examples : Convert list of one type to another
// Copyright © Schakra Inc. 2009. All rights reserved.
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
namespace Schakra.Samples.DotNet.Linq
public class LinqSample_01
ListOutlookContacts { get; set; }
public void ConvertListFromOneTypeToAnother()
ListwinLiveContacts =
contact => contact.ToWindowsLiveContact());
ListoutlookContacts =
contact => new OutlookContact()
Name = contact.DisplayName,
Phone = contact.MobilePhone
ListoutlookContacts2 =
(from contact in winLiveContacts
select new OutlookContact()
Name = contact.DisplayName,
Phone = contact.MobilePhone
public class OutlookContact
public string Name { get; set; }
public string Phone { get; set; }
public WindowsLiveContact ToWindowsLiveContact()
new WindowsLiveContact()
DisplayName = this.Name,
MobilePhone = this.Phone
public class WindowsLiveContact
public string DisplayName { get; set; }
public string MobilePhone { get; set; }
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
BlackBerry File Explorer
As part of work, we had to generate code coverage report for the application on BlackBerry. We have used Cobertura for J2ME for generating the code coverage results. However, we had to develop a quick tool to transfer the coverage result file generated on the simulator to desktop. For this purpose, we have developed the file explorer / transfer tool for BlackBerry, which works on USB connection.
We would make this tool available tool for public download soon.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Overriding ServerCertificateValidation
//using System.Net;
//using System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates;
//using System.Net.Security;
ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback +=
delegate(object sender, X509Certificate certificate,
X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
return true;
Monday, May 18, 2009
Msbuild throwing exception for v3.5 target code
As part of my current project, I had to build solution which contained both C++ and C# projects. C# project was written for target version of .NET 3.5. Whenever, I tried msbuild from command prompt, it complained ‘must declare a body because it is not marked abstract or extern’ for the property declarations in my C# classes. I have done a lot of research (Thanks to Google) to find a solution for this.
1. I ensured that the csproj file contains the target framework version of 3.5
2. Tried to override version through msbuild parameters
/p:Configuration=Debug;TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5 /toolsversion:3.5 /property:TargetFrameworkVersion=v3.5
3. Enabled diagnostic log information for msbuild and identified that csc.exe file from v2.0.50727 is picked up during the build (event though Microsoft.Common.targets is picked up from v3.5)
4. Did some more search and found out this thread from msdn. So the problem was in my environment COMPLUS_VERSION was set to v2.0.50727
I fixed the problem by setting environment variable 'COMPLUS_VERSION' value to empty. (Since my project file was already set for v3.5, clearing the environment variable helped me. Otherwise, you will need to set it to v3.5)
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Live Messenger IM Control on Blogger
I was reading Mix’09 update from Angus Logan’s blog and noticed Live Messenger IM Control on the side. I found it cool and wanted to add it to my blogger blog as well. Here are the steps that I have followed to get this up and working on my blog.
- Get html code for Live Messenger IM Control as specified at Delegated Authentication with the Windows Live Messenger IM Control
- Go to Customize > Layout > ‘Page Elements’ on your blogger site
- Click on ‘Add a Gadget’ link
- Select HTML/JavaScript gadget from Basics collection
- Insert the html code generated in step 1 to the ‘Content’ area and give an apt title.
- Note: You will have to adjust the height and width of iframe to fit correctly with your blogger page template
- Save and view your blog. You are all set. :)
Thanks to Rajendra for helping me with this. :)
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
Writing blogs using Live Writer
Windows Live Essentials come with a set of goodies. Out of which Live Writer is a tool which can be used to write blogs and publish to most of the popular blog sites. I am also trying out the same. And this blog is written and posted to my blogger site using Windows Live Writer.
I am listing down, what I liked about Live Writer.
- Preview of blog is much much better from Live Writer. I love it.
- Switching between Edit, Preview and Source is faster.
- I don’t need to do an explicit spell checker
- I have better control while inserting hyperlinks
- Tables, alignments, picture, formatting etc looks good. (Haven’t used it really)
What did I not like about Writer?
- While showing the preview, the labels shown do not seem to be correct. This could be a bug with Writer.
- With Live Writer also, I am not able to see the code block, custom edit of the template that I made is not coming proper in the preview mode. Yea, I understand that it is difficult for both Blogger and Writer to do it, as it need to sort of invoke the runtime page execution to run the custom script and generate the html output. This is something which I would really like to have. (Either auto execution of script in preview mode, or code style inbuilt in the blogger theme).
Disclaimer: I haven’t used blogger for long time. So I am not really sure about all the features of blogger create page. These are my initial impressions. :)
Debugging using Fiddler
From C#, I typically use the following configuration.
<proxy bypassonlocal="False" usesystemdefault="True" />
Sunday, March 22, 2009
Customizing Blogger Template
Also, by default the template that I was using was having smaller width for the main post area. To increase this I have followed Rounders 2 with a wider post area.
APM pattern with Anonymous methods
Consider the following APM code.
When I run the above code, output is coming as given below.
static void Main(string[] args)
// Create instnace of LongTask that is executed asynchronously
// Ref: http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/magazine/cc163467.aspx
LongTask task = new LongTask(15); // Task should run for 15 seconds
string.Format("Thread-{0} : {1}",
Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, "Starting Task"));
// APM pattern with anonymous method
delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
string.Format("Thread-{0} : {1}",
Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, "Delegate called"));
string.Format("Thread-{0} : {1}",
Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId, "Control came back after BeginDoTask"));
Thread.Sleep(25 * 1000); // Sleep for 25 seconds
This means that the anonymous method could be called from another thread at a later point of time. So the below given code is very very wrong.
Thread-1 : Starting Task
Thread-1 : Control came back after BeginDoTask
Thread-3 : Delegate called
// Following code is very very wrong.
// Never use this approach
int returnData = 0;
delegate(IAsyncResult ar)
returnData = asyncObj.EndXYZ(ar);
// It is most likely that returnData is 0
return returnData;
Hello World
Disclaimer: I have created this blog to share my thoughts, learning, experience and knowledge around various technical areas that I come across. All the information posted here in this blog are solely my own personal opinions and are not related to the company that I work for or anybody else.